Prior to undertaking the UTS Animal Logic Academy Master of Animation and Visualisation, Ben completed a Bachelor of Science (Product Design - Hons.) from the Technological University of Industrial Design, Netherlands, 2004. He completed a Masters in Interactive Art and Design at the University of Exeter, UK in 2005. Following that, Ben founded his own company Shortfilms in 2006, specialising in event videos, TV promos, TV commercials and corporate videos for large Dutch companies and international clients. Ben is proficient in After Effects, Nuke, Premiere, Photoshop, Maya, 3dsMax, Cinema 4D and Unity. His goal is to seek new ways to challenge himself, technically and creatively, while growing his skills as a visual effects artist. One day he hopes to help run a studio as a VFX supervisor. Ben is very enthusiastic about the combination of 3D video capture , Mixed Reality and the possibilities with real time rendering. In his spare time, Ben loves being outdoors, doing extreme sports and sharing adventures with mates.